Howdy! I’m CJ. I’ve been an artist and content creator for over 10 years, and I’ve started to notice a problem.

Artists are being forced to create consistent, loud, obnoxious content that goes against exactly what it is they are trying to sell. They should be able to play the content game while preserving their artistic dignity.

Where Middlecase Comes In

Middlecase takes on a limited number of artists, visiting them every other month to make fun high quality content that can be put out over a period of time. Whether it’s an interview, a live session, a sketch for promotion, or a mini documentary about a gig; Middlecase will be there with the artist making it all possible.

Middlecase charges artists $250 every other month for their full content creation (production, editing, etc.)

Want to be on the Middlecase roster?

We are currently accepting clients for 2024 and would love to work with you! Hop on over to our contact page and send us a message, and be sure to include information that can help us get to know you.


I have my own idea for what I want to shoot, will that be possible?
Definitely! Middlecase encourages collaboration and it is our job to help you make the exact content that you want.

Does Middlecase handle content scheduling/releasing?
Middlecase artists have the option to have Middlecase assist in scheduling and posting the content we shoot for them.

How many shoots in total?
Every other month for a year, totalling 6 shoots. Content is shot specifically so that it can be sectioned and put out over a period of weeks.


CJ is depicted as very serious in the above photo because he is so serious about making great content, hahaha.